Postings in the category Joints & Osteoarthritis

Which Stem Cell Therapies Are Allowed Within the EU?

A patient asks about therapies with stem cells: I have heard from the media that not all of the theoretically possible types of stem cell therapies are allowed or permitted in Germany, is that right? Yes, this information is correct. Within the EU – and therewith also in Germany – there are only treatments allowed […]

Can Stem Cells Help in Hallux or Hammer Toe?

A patient with problems with her big toe sends us the following question: I suffer from hallux rigidus in the final stadium. Are stem cells able to help at all in this condition? In addition, I am 55 years old. Can cartilage regenerate in this age? As a general rule stem cells can help in […]

Stem Cells in Advanced Osteoarthritis

A patient with joint problems inquires: Can stem cell therapy help in case of advanced osteoarthritis? Usually it takes 3 months until stem cell therapy of osteoarthritis shows a noticeable improvement of symptoms, that means a reduction in pain, increased mobility, as well as regeneration of cartilage. In case of advanced osteoarthritis it holds that […]

Stem Cell Banking: Precaution for the Future

Our body fat contains so-called stem cells whose regenerative potential is currently investigated in many studies worldwide. Regenerative stem cell therapies have the potential to regenerate weakened tissues and organs and could be used in the treatment of many diseases which are caused by weakness of organs and tissues in the future. Stem cell therapy […]

Hip Osteoarthritis: Do Stem Cells Also Help Elderly People?

An elderly patient asks about stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis: Is it reasonable or rather recommendable to do a stem cell therapy in case of bilateral hip osteoarthritis at my age? I am 89 years old. It depends on the general health status, the condition of osteoarthritis, and expectations, but basically yes. Indeed a high […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Joint Problems and Osteoarthritis

A prospect inquires: My knee joints urgently need your stem cell therapy. How does it work? A treatment of joint problems with the body’s own stem cells requires a liposuction with microcannulas under local anesthesia for obtaining a small amount of autologous fat, from which stem cells get isolated and subsequently injected into the joints […]

Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, Osteoporosis

A patient tells about her health condition: I have chronic adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis plus a host of other autoimmune system disorders. Is there anything you can do? She will probably profit both from hormonal regeneration with bioidentical hormones (BHRT) and stem cell therapy with stem cells obtained from her own fat […]

Osteoarthritis Therapy: Do Stem Cells Cause Growth of New Cartilage?

A patient who shows interest for joint treatment with his body’s own stem cells wants to know: I would be interested in what stem cells from autologous fat exactly do. Do they cause the growth of new cartilage? There are two equal hypotheses. One says that new cartilage cells develop from stem cells, the other […]

Osteoarthritis and Arthritis: Special Collagen Helps

Osteoarthritis and arthritis can both be treated very well with autologous stem cells from fat tissue. But there are also other treatment options: Especially the intake of collagen and hyaluronic acid via nutrition can benefit the regeneration of joints. Beneath “normal” collagen peptides, which are also contained in our product Perfect Skin, there is a […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Finger Joints

A patient whom I have treated with his own stem cells because of finger joint osteoarthritis on the fingers of his left hand a few months ago just wrote me: I already had significant limitations in two knuckles of the fingers on the left hand. These knuckles have become significantly better after stem cell injection […]