Improvement in Joint Problems, Autoimmune Diseases and Circulatory Disorders with Stem Cells from Fat

Is there a panacea, a cure for every disease? Of course not. But the body’s own stem cells from fat tissue have a considerable healing potential.

Scientific studies suggest that the body’s own (autologous) stem cells of the patient can be used in a variety of very different disorders and at least relief and amelioration of symptoms can be achieved.

So for joint problems, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, but also many other diseases and malfunctions which are characterized by reparable weaknesses of individual organs or organ systems.

Stem Cells from Fat: Cells with Potential

Although stem cell therapies are currently considered as “experimental” and “advanced” therapies and are subject to numerous legal restrictions (e.g., the use of stem cells from donors is prohibited in the EU), the regenerative properties of stem cells have been known for a long time in veterinary medicine.

There are many years of very good experience in the therapeutic use of autologous stem cells in thousands of dogs and racehorses. The stem cells extracted from the animal’s own fat seem to be suitable for regeneration of damaged joints, bones, and cartilage. In addition, stem cells from body fat are administered in other diseases in animals with success too.

Due to the advances in medicine now also humans can benefit from the healing potential of their own stem cells.

Fortunately, there is an increasing number of positive study results from many centers worldwide, so we can perform therapies with adult stem cells from the body’s own fat for certain diseases in humans in my clinic in Vienna.

Therapeutic Application of the Stem Cells

Stem cell therapy with the body’s own stem cells from fat tissue is carried out as an outpatient treatment in local anesthesia.

First, a small portion of fat is obtained by gentle liposuction with microcannulas. The stem cells isolated therefrom in a complex laboratory process are – depending on the indication – either injected locally at the affected organ or tissue or administered systemically in the course of the same treatment. Often repeat treatments are recommended.

In systemic supply (usually intravenously by infusion) the stem cells seem to seek the way to those sites in the body where their regenerative and healing effect is required.

Promising findings from the world of medical science that could perhaps replace currently known therapies in the not too distant future.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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